Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Dandelion of Light


July Fourth

This is energy mimicking life.  It's the short-lived life of energy produced by a dandelion-shaped firework.

If we could only recognize the energy in the average dandelion just like we recognize the energy in this spectacular blast, we may be able appreciate better the other things in life that are as important as life itself. Such things may include friendships, or animal pals, a hobby or volunteer work, and, yes, the energy produced by the average dandelion.

While we, at GDG III Photo, had a good Fourth this year, it was preceded by the untimely death of my brother-in-law, Walter Louis Zeanwick.  As we recover, stay in touch and we will too.  We will be back again soon with another post and another thought.

Your Friend in Artful Life,

George D. Gordon, III

1 comment:

  1. I would call my brother, Walter Louis Zeanwick, a good-hearted dandelion.


Art reflects life as George D. Gordon, III, owner of GDG III Photo, demonstrates in all of his work. Please SHARE. To learn more, contact us at 813-900-0950.

GDG III Photo, Images of Photography and Fine Arts.